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新歡水溶性潤滑液|超潤滑|台灣製 可舔食

新歡水溶性潤滑液|超潤滑|台灣製 可舔食

🔸 老字號口碑品牌,台灣製造品質保證
🔸 天然水性成分,可舔食
🔸 富含玻尿酸、絲蛋白等保濕成份
🔸 超細膩、潤滑系數高
🔸 適合全身按摩塗抹,水性成分清洗超方便
🔸 藥用型包裝,精巧設計帶到哪都方便
🔸 舒適無負擔,擁有極佳潤滑效果

Until 2024-06-30T16:00:00.000+00:00 【下單抽IPHONE15】滿$1000抽獎資格X1、滿$2000抽獎資格X2、滿$3000抽獎資格X3...以此類推( iPhone15/128G/6.1吋) on order

【免運】大型宅配滿$5000免運 on order

【購物金】下單回饋Dr.情趣購物金 on order

【Dr.情趣安心保固】非人為損壞3個月內可換新 on order

【免運】宅配先付款,滿$2000享免運 on order

【免運】超商先付款,滿$1000免運 on order

🔥【送到高潮】全館滿$2000送「Dr.情趣|超隱密收納袋-小」! on order

🔥【送到高潮】全館滿$4000再送「Dr.情趣高級潤滑液150g」! on order

🔥【送到高潮】全館下單送「Dr.情趣高級水性潤滑液 隨身包」! on order

{{ productService.variationPriceMemberTag(variationSelected) }}
{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}

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Shipping & Payment
Customer Reviews


1. 老字號口碑品牌,台灣製造品質保證,天然水性成分,可舔食。 

2. 富含玻尿酸、絲蛋白等保濕成份,舒適無負擔。

3. 超細膩、潤滑系數高,一點用量就能達極佳潤滑效果。

4. 除了性愛潤滑,亦適合全身按摩塗抹,水性成分清洗超方便。 

5. 藥用型包裝,精巧設計帶到哪都方便,完全零尷尬。

● 容量:30g、90g
 成份Purified water. Glycerine.1.3 Propanediol. Hyaluronic Acid.Silk Protein. Glucuronic Acid.Hydroxyethyl Cellulose.Chlorphenesin.Methylisothiazolinone.

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • 7-11 Pickup only (B2C)
  • Family Mart Pickup only (B2C)
  • Others
  • 7-11 Pickup and pay in store (B2C)
  • Family Mart Pickup and pay in store (B2C)
  • Others
  • Others
  • Others

Payment Options

  • Credit Card
  • LINE Pay
  • Apple Pay
  • FMT pick-up and pay
  • 7-11 pick-up and pay
  • Cash on Delivery
  • CVS (Print out the bills by CVS and pay in the store)
  • Credit Card Installment
  • zingala - BNPL by Chailease
  • 面交現金支付
Customer Reviews
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}